Paradisian Ejects Kay and Pat raced the day to hit every event, she in a woodgrained Dodge suburban, curbcocking, spinwheeling tween portico columns, hipknocking the butler, wolf-whistling martini, magnetizing crowd's eyes; he skimming speedbumps in a skyblue ragtop Buick, four-wheel drifting, drawer-shitting chauffers chamoising limos, jitterbugging putting green lawns, swivelhipping the ballbelles, glistening, spotlighting, eclipsing Kay's starshine. Kay darkholed Pat's entry, grittoothed the crowd's aver her, cut-dead to Edie, said, watch this. Kay uncinched her breastbow, downwiggled drapery, exhibited naked hourglass splendor, sutured ceasarian maroon-sashwise. The crowd gasped at her marred perfection, the purpled striped albaster abdomen, brutal evidence of infanticide, inflicted by Protestant pediatric surgeon Pat, insistent to disembowel she of his own flesh mirror, narcissicize his lineage, a son spitting image, delivered surgically, modernly, bypassing Kay's Catholic medieval gashish sanguinal fecal paganish popish deplacement downstream gushing babywater throwout. Stillborn, the dead jesus fetus paralyzed Adam's exquisite $million hands into dysfunctional hooks, unable to properly close Eve's gape. Botched once, botched again for removal of surgical leavings which Godsown insisted on performing to assuage his initial failure to progenate himself, to assure the resurrection of his omnipotence, only to succumb to the inrush of timeless memory, the terrible loss of son of god, his reflective image, his mundane immortality, became again impotent, to irreparably damage Eve's eternal mothernence, scarred her heavenence, her soletime creation, her reason to die in birth, her service to God, Father Infanticide, forever wasted. Confronted with this apostasy, Pat undid his bolo, his belt, his fly and shimmied irredescent flares to heel, revealing prosthetic leather and chrome, both legs sinewy contraptions. The crowd moaned at the remembrance of water-ski queen Kay being pulled by Pat in great circles for her to ramp skyward, somersaulting, twisting, backflipping, then the two exchanging roles for him to learn the sport. The horror of him tumbling, plunging deep, unseen by her, then rising dolphinly, laughing triumphantly in her path to be delegged by dual Mercs 100-horses racing. Edie bansheed, you two, you're nothing, look at this. She ripped away her ruffle-neck queen liz to bare extra virginal absence of mammaries, dual craters, seeping putridities where milk must flow, stenching of sulphurous acidities, weeping poison for starving babies. Butler bessemer blasted, the three of you are crybabies, ponder this godforsaken malformity. Depenguined he showed seared ripples from armpit to ankle, parboiled, fried, barbequed, sauteed, degenitaled, Nathan's Famoused, he said, vat dipped at Boarshead's, undied preserved sodium nitrated dyed No 3 red. The crowd aghasted. Then one, two, all the paridisian ejects commenced to bare their degarbed, nest-foulest afflictions, one upping over-medicatings, awry liposuctions, abortion mishaps, sterilization and implant and enhancement and deblemishment failures, murderous encounters with terrorists and 18-wheel dozers and jittery muggers, revolting, repulsing, disgusting, ridiculing each other's sorrowful and vainmost tortures, misfortunes, befallments, punishments, sufferings, stigmatas, free passes safehome to god's palace via angelic, narcissicist god-'s-worst -emulative inescapable imposed welcomed embraced flaunted cruelty. ------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 06 Jul 1997 20:57:27 -0400 To: From: John Young <>